Hello World! 👋🏼 I am Dachi...
I'm a co-founder of Stack Browser. And I am also a passionately curious person. Every day, I consume tons of information exploring topics from tech and finance to neuroscience, philosophy, and US politics.
To me, the answer to the ‘Ultimate Question’ is the ‘one that Plato said’ - attaining information and knowledge.
However, I find myself forgetting a lot of what I learn every day. And I know the best way to remember anything is if you explain it to others. So with that in mind, I have decided to start my digital garden, where I'll be sharing my thoughts on topics I find interesting - mostly for myself but also for anyone who might find it appealing too.
Below you will find the essays that I wrote or that I like the idea to have written. Hence lots of them are just a titles and few sentences. But that’s the whole idea of a digital garden, isn’t it?...
[-] Raising $5m seed as first-time founder
[-] You too can be a superhuman!
The current thing
[-] All three things happening at the same time
Favorite Quotes
“I am tormented with ever-lasting itch for things remote, I love to sail forbidden seas”
“We chose to go to the moon, not because it is easy, but because it is hard”
“I have no particular talent, I am just passionately curious”AboutEssaysLibraryKnowledge Bases